Anyhow, enough of that, and onto some stamping : ) How about we start with a few cards I made this week?
Here they are, first a Tilda card (and I have discovered that there is no middle ground with Magnolia stamps, either people love them or hate them, and I am in the love group):
From 2010-05-16 |
Yes, it is a very "purple" card, just felt "purple" I guess. Tilda is colored with Distress Ink, and the flowers are all embellished with Pearl Pens (absolutely LOVE that product!) and Glamor Dust Glitter.
From 2010-05-16 |
This is a Swiss Pixie stamp, colored with Copic markers, the flowers are also colored with distress ink and with Glitter Pens.
And here is my new tutorial for Paper Craft Planet, I hope you like it and try this method for customizing your flowers (speaking of flowers I ordered from Wild Orchid and got my order on Saturday, wow! Quick, inexpensive and GREAT flowers!):
How to Create Custom Flowers for Any Project (2)
And yes, a few links, here you go:
Vintage Paper Flower Posies: Very cute idea on a flower you can make without much trouble.
Nestie Storage: A very good way to store your nesties, if I had room I think I would try this method.
Stickles Storage: Great ideas on storing your bottles of Stickles.
101 Ways to use Stickles: From the same blog that had the storage for Stickles is this long list of what you can do with your Sticles when you are not storing them ; )
Ok, that is all for this week, have a FANTASTIC week, and thank you so much again for all of your support.

I love your blog and read it every Monday without fail. Having gone through a tough time in my own life - I can certainly understand. My prayers are with you and your family.
Thank you for the lovely tutorial, Jacquie. Great ideas, as always.
Beautiful card. I love your Blog and never miss it. Always something worthwhile here. I don't know what exactly is going on for you personally but speaking from a lifetime of experience, no matter how bad things are, somehow we always get through it. There are always better days ahead. And, although I'm not one of those people who follows my Catholic religion to the letter, I do believe in it. If all else fails just tell Him you can't deal with it anymore and would He handle it for you. You might be surprised at the results. I hope things get better for you very soon and you find some peace. I hope this wasn't inappropriate to post on a blog and if I offended anyone, I apologize.
That you everyone : ) I keep on praying Lorraine, and am trying to trust that we never are given more then we can deal with. Your comment is most appreciated, thank you for taking the time to post on my blog, it means a great deal to me today.
Peace : )
Awesome tutorial, Jacquie! I love your site! It is very informative! I appreciate you taking the time to share your creations and how you made them! Whatever is going on in your personal life always remember you are NOT alone! Hope everything works out for you! I will keep you in my thoughts & prayers!
Jacquie, your card is gorgeous AND purple is my fav color! Keep your faith and things will soon look up! I will add you to my prayer list! Loved the Mulberry Rose tutorial! That is awesome. Thanks for sharing where you got them. Some awesome ideas out there for storage of craft supplies!
h Jacquie, I love the way you use distress inks - you are amazing! Love the cards,
your cards are soooo super cute! Great tutorial!
Remember, we are STRONG WOMEN & there is NOTHING we can't handle! So keep your head up my friend & just remember, "everything is going to be alright"! I am keeping you in my thoughts & prayers also!
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